What was Architecture for me and what it is now…

My initial knowledge on architecture was not just about designing buildings. I knew the the art and of course even the milimetrical calculations behind it. As I have a great interest on mythology, the ancient era architecture was the first examples for me to have an interest on architecture. I always admired architects and their works. Even in a video game I always stop playing and start examining the buidings whether it is a copy of a real one or it is a fictional one. After all of these and with the help of my interest in art I decided to do the thing once I admire. Dreaming of being an architect always made me happy and I started to make this dream come true.

After reading the Handbook I saw that it supports most of the ideas that I have about architecture. I have to admit that I was thinking Studio hours would be less and drawing would be a little easier but I am ok with all of them. My last inference about the whole subject is that it is not just a profession, a work of art or a study subject, It is a new way to inspect and analyze the world around us, a new window to see it.