Final Jury


This was my drawings poster for the final jury. To be honest with myself there were missing drawings and i was very worried about it. I had some personal problems and couldn’t adapt the studio completely along the term but i did my best to make it up to the second term. Anyways my jury was way more than positive in my opinion and it gives me hope. My idea was found good in terms of working vertical in a extremely horizontal area. As the Jury is over Salt Lake is now fading away in the distance for me.

It’s been a term and now it is coming to an end. Still there are more terms to come…

Ottoman Architecture

Ottomans were the settlers in Anatolia. The initial stages of Ottoman architecture were originated from this Anatolian origin. They were affected from Seljuks, Armenians and Persians. Urban life was very important and İmaret concept came afterwards. İmarets are compound structures consists of a mosque, a kitchen, a bath, a madrasa. As the urban life expands in Ottoman Empire each sultan made an imaret for his name. Like an signature Ottomans put a dome over every single significant building. This also was representing their regimes authority. The byzantine church Hagia Sophia was transferred into a mosque again spreading their authority.

One of the first mosques with ottoman architecture was Orhan Gazi Cami become basis for other mosques to come. İt had a reverse T-plan overlooking marketplaces. It’s masonry were mostly resembling to the Roman style. Like any other mosque it had a fountain with an octagonal form and for the usage of religious needs.Another mosque with reverse T-plan is Green Mosque which also made up of proportionally and symmetrical elements. Another mosque is Ulu Cami was differing from previous ones as not having a reverse-T shape plan, but a hypostyle hall.