
During the prejury process I retrieved critically important feedbacks about my approach to the whole design and analysis. First thing to say would be the importance of information shown in my drawings and the problem of  details that creates the information is lacking. The are i choose to proceed and It’s properties were found according to my scenario but the tendency to go the area i designated was not defined and found as a question to directed to me to think further for the next steps.

Jury members wanted me to have more control on the area and I needed to be more definetive about my ideas and the way I process and publish them. I understood that there is no good or bad idea but an idea needs a proper way to be shown. Analysis needed to read easily even they need to be understandable without a question.

You can see my Plans, drawings and analysis on them above. They represents the way i approach this area and supports my claims on the site. For the close up plan red lines shows the area i will dwell on while yollow lines are the approach to the site and the other colors are representing the experiences. My design involves isolation from the experiences of the site and then total return of those experiences with a wow effect. I will be working on to make my design and approach better accordingly to the feedbacks of my instructors. You can find the jury report by Mehmet Akçakoca wrote for me directly below.


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