After Prejury

After the First prejury and according to the critics I started to work on my design, my first approach was to find alternatives ways to show and work on my analysis and also finding better ways to enchance experiences. As my approach according to my analysis was to go on about the isolation i wanted my spaces to be closed but it led to tunnel like not working sturctures. Topography was also an handicap for me as it was too steep and elements like stairs and ramps were being hard to establish as they were need to elevate in small distances. This made me to use combinations of stairs and ramps in order to overcome the slope. While doing the things above i will also try to take references from the topography and the information on the Çatalhöyük and Taşkale. Process will start with creating more open spaces along the way to the higher parts while sticking into the isolation as much as possible. I predict that the further critics would help me to finalize the design

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