Final Jury

After a long terms of hard work finally the end has come. The outcome mat not be the best for me but as every end is a begging I will be waiting for the that new begging with hope. After this brief enterance let me take you to those times…


With the announcement of Jury requierements the time came for everything to come together. All the drawing and the final model for the design along with the sketches and abalysis I made were required to complete the submission first submission was the Model submission. I completed the model in time but working with more than 60 cardboards was a little scary.

After I completed the model I worked with the drawings most of them was taken from the 3d model i made. Other were plans that I made with with analysis information. Also the sections of the site was drawn in autoCad for the better understanding of the area and location of the structure.


Jury preiod was not really encouraging for me when it comes to the end. For the Jury day I was ready for everything that come against me good or bad because anyways it was going to be the end and I was ready for a small holiday. As expected everyone was freaking out inside but acting like they are allright on the outside. Hours passed and finally my turn for the Jury came. Like I said before I was ready and excited for to talk about my project as I failed the previous year studio this was my second chance. As the name of the project indicates I was waiting for to rise from the ashes like Phoenix but those ashes managed to put me back down one more time Harsh comments and words describing the problems of my design, model and drawings started to come from the Jury members I felt like I was going to die right there at that moment. After learning my mistakes and listening the word of the jury members it was over. That 10-15 min period was like years for me I was happy because it was over but also feeling sad more than ever due to my failure. Now I am focusing on my last submissions and waiting for the anouncement of the grades and to be honest I am hoping for a miracle. I love Architecture and I love all of It’s aspects including all the hard work wish I can keep chasing my dreams. So I think thats all for this term.

Modelling the Design on Sketchup

Fisrt I started to recreate the Meke Maar on Sketchup i used the 2d drawing from AutoCad which drawn by our friends in the studio. I elevated the lines and corrected some errors on it. After the Map created i started to place my design on it while continuing the design process.

There is the total site of the Meke Maar on Sketchup. It may not be perfect, of course it have flaws but it would serve the requirements. After the modelling of the site completed as i worked on it before on the model placing the design was like putting puzzle pieces. It came up together quickly. The reason for this modeeling was to be able to have drawings. As it is possible to get dection drawings from 3d. I will be using this model both for the section drawings and top plan for the design.

Layout of the Project


You can see the possible loayout for the design with the aimed visual experience area together on the plan above. As i am using only a small portion of the Meke Maar and the mountain in the middle is the constant block especiall for sunlight and visual properties my are gets effected by it. Yellow highlited area is the approach to the sites I will be using first red area from the top as the referenced version for the main area which is the red one next to the mountain. The highest part of second area will be the main reference for the first. First area will see the second one and as it is the first stop for the course this will give a hint for the visitors. As the first red area would act as a secondary structure or a helping one in another word it will not be shown in the model because it would create a scale problem but its reference and design properties will be told by me in the jury and the layout map will also shown.

After Prejury

After the First prejury and according to the critics I started to work on my design, my first approach was to find alternatives ways to show and work on my analysis and also finding better ways to enchance experiences. As my approach according to my analysis was to go on about the isolation i wanted my spaces to be closed but it led to tunnel like not working sturctures. Topography was also an handicap for me as it was too steep and elements like stairs and ramps were being hard to establish as they were need to elevate in small distances. This made me to use combinations of stairs and ramps in order to overcome the slope. While doing the things above i will also try to take references from the topography and the information on the Çatalhöyük and Taşkale. Process will start with creating more open spaces along the way to the higher parts while sticking into the isolation as much as possible. I predict that the further critics would help me to finalize the design


During the prejury process I retrieved critically important feedbacks about my approach to the whole design and analysis. First thing to say would be the importance of information shown in my drawings and the problem of  details that creates the information is lacking. The are i choose to proceed and It’s properties were found according to my scenario but the tendency to go the area i designated was not defined and found as a question to directed to me to think further for the next steps.

Jury members wanted me to have more control on the area and I needed to be more definetive about my ideas and the way I process and publish them. I understood that there is no good or bad idea but an idea needs a proper way to be shown. Analysis needed to read easily even they need to be understandable without a question.

You can see my Plans, drawings and analysis on them above. They represents the way i approach this area and supports my claims on the site. For the close up plan red lines shows the area i will dwell on while yollow lines are the approach to the site and the other colors are representing the experiences. My design involves isolation from the experiences of the site and then total return of those experiences with a wow effect. I will be working on to make my design and approach better accordingly to the feedbacks of my instructors. You can find the jury report by Mehmet Akçakoca wrote for me directly below.


Road to prejury

During the weeks before the prejury i worked in order to enchance my analysis on the site Meke Maar. It was hard to go on with the plan at first but then i get a grip with the idea of isolation as i found whole experience of the site overwhelming. After deciding on some aspects of the process it became easier to move on.

The idea of isolation helped me to focus on a certain area as the area got smaller it was more definitive to work on them with the analysis i found an area isolated from most of the experiences the site provides.


At the center of the framed area there is an enclosed part that makes nearly the all experiences blocked such as sun light, wind, visual analysis and etc. and as we go higher from this isolated area to the direction of south we can get all the isolated experiences back this basic idea is my starting point.


I will continue to express my ideas based on my analysis and the experiences Meke Maar provides for us.


My ideas started to shapen up and the jury requirements now anounced i will continue to work on providing them with drawings and a small conceptual model.

Field Trip

We went to Meke Maar, Çatalhöyük and Taşkale to take them both as reference and also working area for the further steps of second year studio. All three of the sites were totally different experiences that would be expected from us to analysed and turn into a project at the end of the term so I will talk about them in three parts.

Meke Maar

Meke Maar was a volcanic mountain in the middle of a lake again surrounded with high geological structures reminding me of a canyon. The mountain in the middle was like the point of attraction even some of our friends tried to climb on top of it. The lake area surrounding it was wet and salty making it hard to walk on and the white color was hard for us to observe the area as the sun was reflecting on it and giving a little burn to the eyes. In every aspect the area has a lot to offer in terms of experience and all should be considered as much as possible as the Meke Maar will be our area to work on.


Taşkale was coordinated inside of a stony mountain it was carved in like little caves and the properties of it was interesting like the expiration date of products like wheat is longer inside taşkale structures. There was once used as a grain depot and still be using as housing and preserving/storing products. The layer like quality and difference experinces of Taşkale like the carved in structure can be taking as referance.


Çatalhöyük was one of the oldest settlements known and it’s speciality was being a mass settlement. It was redeveloped again and again on It’s previous state and got higher as level based. Every inch of the spaces had an inportance not even a single space was useless. Today Çatahöyük settlements found underground and they countinue as the dig site goes deeper.

Final Jury


This was my drawings poster for the final jury. To be honest with myself there were missing drawings and i was very worried about it. I had some personal problems and couldn’t adapt the studio completely along the term but i did my best to make it up to the second term. Anyways my jury was way more than positive in my opinion and it gives me hope. My idea was found good in terms of working vertical in a extremely horizontal area. As the Jury is over Salt Lake is now fading away in the distance for me.

It’s been a term and now it is coming to an end. Still there are more terms to come…

Ottoman Architecture

Ottomans were the settlers in Anatolia. The initial stages of Ottoman architecture were originated from this Anatolian origin. They were affected from Seljuks, Armenians and Persians. Urban life was very important and İmaret concept came afterwards. İmarets are compound structures consists of a mosque, a kitchen, a bath, a madrasa. As the urban life expands in Ottoman Empire each sultan made an imaret for his name. Like an signature Ottomans put a dome over every single significant building. This also was representing their regimes authority. The byzantine church Hagia Sophia was transferred into a mosque again spreading their authority.

One of the first mosques with ottoman architecture was Orhan Gazi Cami become basis for other mosques to come. İt had a reverse T-plan overlooking marketplaces. It’s masonry were mostly resembling to the Roman style. Like any other mosque it had a fountain with an octagonal form and for the usage of religious needs.Another mosque with reverse T-plan is Green Mosque which also made up of proportionally and symmetrical elements. Another mosque is Ulu Cami was differing from previous ones as not having a reverse-T shape plan, but a hypostyle hall.

Western Europe After the Roman Empire

Charlemagne the king of Franks united most of the Europe and kind a rised the great Roman empire again like an spiritual successor. This also inspired architecture of the that decade. Lots of Cathedrals, Monasteries and İmperial palaces built mostly for him or his court. His palace and Palatine Chapel are both examples of architecture representing Charlemagnes ideology. As there is a unity the architects was inspiring from each others cultures. The architect of Palatine Chapel attempted to copy San Vitale in Ravenna for the emperor’s mausoleum, producing a stiff approximation of the two-storied octagon supporting a dome on a drum. Above the main entry to the Aachen chapel rose the two towers of the fortress.

Pilgrims took long journeys around the world in the name of Christianity. They had three main goals to reach Jerusalem, Rome and Spain all three were the tombs of important persons in Holy Bible including Jesus. This also created a challenge between the towns these crypts are in. So Romanesque cathedrals were build in those locations determined to serve the needs of pilgrims.